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She Helps Women Overcome Self-Doubt, Achieve Financial Success, and Live A Purposeful Life

She Helps Women Overcome Self-Doubt, Achieve Financial Success, and Live A Purposeful Life

Lauren C. Nelson is a South Carolina native living near Washington, DC, with her husband, Kaleb. She is an empowerment coach, servant leader, speaker, and business owner. As a coach, Lauren unchains women from self-doubt and launches them toward profitability and purpose. God has called her to awaken women to their “powerhouse era”- a season of divine inspiration, life-giving energy, intentional and target-hitting goal execution, higher achievement, serving from overflow, and finding rest in a warm, supportive community. 

Lauren is the Founder of Partner for Impact, a consulting business bringing belonging, empowerment, and inclusion to the workplace. Furthermore, she has a coaching brand, The Powerhouse Era. The Powerhouse Era brand will provide a weekly, hands-on group learning experience. “We don’t hand you a course and say “Good luck”, and we don’t give you feel-good speeches without any tools to get results,” Lauren says.

Below, Today’s Purpose Woman spoke with coach Lauren about her journey to becoming a coach and what clients can expect from The Powerhouse Era brand.

Tell us about your journey leading to your call to become a coach/consultant.

Growing up, I remember witnessing my grandma suffering physical, verbal and emotional abuse. Instinctively and spiritually, I always knew that was wrong. That was NOT what God – a loving, generous, and protective Father – wanted for His daughters. And that has always stayed with me. When I discovered coaching, I knew it would be the vehicle I would use to empower and inspire women to see what was possible for their lives. 

Can you tell us about a person who has used this program and what their life was like before using your services? 

One of my notable clients is a wife, mother, and small business owner. (Let’s call her Tamara). When we started coaching, Tamara was drowning in a raging storm of emotions – she was frustrated, stuck, tired of being tired, discontent, afraid, unclear, and feeling low. She wanted more out of her life. She felt like she was called to do something more, something greater. This feeling gnawed at her day and night.

What was she struggling with? Tamara wanted abundance, peace, financial prosperity for her family, and the freedom that came with operating her own business, but fears were holding her back. Tamara was undercharging for her services and knew she needed to raise them, but she feared a price increase would cause her referrals to dry up. While it made her feel good for a moment, the guilt of knowing she was lowballing herself and her family ate at her. 

After using your coaching/consulting services, what is their life like?

Tamara is a new woman! Not only did she find the courage and self-worth to raise her prices to a level that made her feel happy, but her business calendar is fully booked through summer 2023. 

She and her business are in high demand. She’s getting noticed and even scored a few local media features. She flipped her fear into freedom, and now, we’re working on growing her team. The future is bright for her! 

What message do you want to relay to those you are called to serve and impact this season?

You are stuck. 

You are discontent and frustrated. 

You feel like you were meant to do something more. 

You either don’t know what it is, or you do and you’re afraid to do it. 

You feel like the people living their dreams have a special gift you don’t have, and you resent that it isn’t you. 

I want you to know that you are not alone. 

You’re not bitter. You’re not hard or difficult. 

You are stuck, discouraged, and you want to be FREE. 

I see you and I understand. 

God’s brought you here at the right place at the right time. 

The people living their dreams don’t have an “it factor” you don’t have. It comes down to this: 

They know something you don’t know and they are making moves you aren’t making yet. 

If you are ready to get unstuck, if you are ready to move, I am ready for you! It’s time to take up your assignment, design your life, and create a plan that will get you on track to everything you’re missing now. 

How can readers contact you?

I warmly welcome readers to DM me on Instagram @IamLaurenCNelson or email me at 

Visit The Powerhouse Era coaching program at

I’d love to get connected and learn more about your journeys! 

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