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She Founded a Faith-Based Cosmetic Brand That Reflects God’s Glory

She Founded a Faith-Based Cosmetic Brand That Reflects God’s Glory

In 2017 Candice Coffey prayed a deep prayer that reflected the cry of her heart: “Lord, I surrender my life to you. I don’t want my life to look like anyone else’s, and I don’t want to be comfortable. What do you want me to do to serve you? Use me!” Candice had been in education for 15 years but was open to whatever God wanted her to do. Several months later, she had an unforgettable dream. “I stood at a department store makeup counter and picked up a beautiful tube of lipstick. It was gold and in black writing, said: “Psalm 34.” I then picked up other makeup compacts that also had Scriptures on them. When I woke up the following day, I read Psalm 34”.  It was clear to Candice what God wanted her to do. “He called me to create a makeup line that proclaims the Word of God. He called me to encourage the literal application of God’s Word to our own faces.”

Candice had the same question that many ask when God calls them to an unfamiliar place. “But who am I, Lord? I have no experience, no contacts, no knowledge of the cosmetics industry!” God responded to Candice’s questions and concerns by showing her first-hand that when He calls you to it, He will qualify you for it!”

Today, Candice is the CEO and Founder of EverBe, a faith-based cosmetic brand. “EverBe is no longer a dream – these products are a beautiful reality and a direct message from the Father to His daughters. I’m just the messenger and am humbled to be serving as his hands and feet.”

Tell me more about your cosmetic brand EverBe.

EverBe is a relatively new line of makeup that draws inspiration from Psalm 34. It is intended to change the face of the cosmetics industry as the first-ever beauty brand to celebrate a woman’s God-given identity. To combat the hyper-sexualized messages aimed at women today, EverBe reminds women what and who the word of God says they are: Favored, Fruitful, Pure, Humble, Radiant, and Redeemed. 

What is the meaning behind the word EverBe?

Every woman is a masterpiece, a one-of-a-kind creation and dream birthed by God before the earth existed. Embedded deep within each woman are pieces of her Creator that will never perish. Hope, a mission to love others and the call to worship and praise her almighty God. It is infinite. As children of God, we are eternal beings who go from this life to the next.

EverBe is a reminder that whatever we face in this life, good or bad, we will EverBe His – never alone and never separated from the Creator.

This relationship exists at all times…forever! EverBe is a covenant between our heavenly Father and His sons and daughters that will never be broken.

Tell me a little about EverBe products and the purpose they serve to women.

One of the most unique qualities of EverBe is the concept of “application.” The brand encourages women to “Speak,” “Apply,” and “Be” who Scripture says they are.

Each of our products is based on Psalm 34. And so, when a woman applies our lip butter, based on Psalm 34:1, we encourage her to say aloud, ‘…my lips are full of perpetual praise,’ as she applies it. Likewise, with the eyeshadow, she would say ‘…I will gaze upon him, join my life with his, and joy will come.’ For our bronzer and highlighter, she might say,’ I will never wear that shame face again.’ The very application of the makeup becomes an important way to affirm and declare the Truth every time you look in the mirror. Women not only use clean products on their faces, but they create a lifestyle of partnering with God to reclaim the mirror.

EverBe’s makeup line includes: 

• Lip Butter in shades: Favor, Fruitful and Pure – based on Psalm 34:1 

• Eye Shadow in shades: Humble and Redeemed – based on Psalm 34:5 

• Highlighter Stick in Radiant – based on Psalm 34:5 

• Bronzer Stick in Glory – based on Psalm 34:5 

• Eyeliner in Eternal – based on Psalm 34:5 

• Brow Pencils in Victory and Triumph – based on Psalm 34:5 

Can you describe a time when you had to trust God and walk by faith regarding your business?

In 2020, my family left Nashville and moved to Myrtle Beach, SC. This was EXTREMELY hard for me because my business was growing, and all my connections were in Nashville. I thought to myself, “this will be going backwards for EverBe,” and “what could possibly be in Myrtle Beach for me?” However, the Lord had given me a dream about a week before my husband received a job offer, and I knew God was moving. I was heartbroken to leave my community, home, and what felt like a growing business. I was angry and wrestled with God. But I knew that I knew He was saying, “Go.” My faith, trust, and rest in Him was something I could not deny, so we left Tennessee and started over in a cute beach town. 

It hasn’t been easy, but I have seen purpose in coming to Myrtle Beach. Since being here, I have felt alone; however, in some ways felt like I had to grow up. I had to learn different skill sets and rely on God instead of others for guidance and decisions. It has been a season of pruning, refining, and letting go of what I thought I needed for my business to succeed. Myrtle Beach wasn’t part of my plan, but it was part of His plan, and I had to yield and allow Him to continue to establish my steps.

What message would you like to convey to the world?

Being a woman of God is more than being meek and mild. We are compassionate warriors created to partner with God to reclaim all of His creation. We are loved deeply and passionately by our Creator, and following Him is the adventure of a lifetime. Our responsibility isn’t just ourselves either, but it is also to raise up the next generation with this same truth.

Do you have any words of encouragement you would like to leave our readers?

I know every woman’s story is different; what we all see and think about ourselves is different when we look in the mirror. Whatever your story is, I know there is power in speaking the Word of God. I am living proof when God calls you to do something, He will sustain you throughout the process, and the reward is worth the hard work and heartache. Our Heavenly Father is waiting to walk with us as we journey to truly believe who we are and who we are to become. After all, we were created in His image, and we reflect His image and His glory.

“We can all draw close to Him with the veil removed from our faces. And with no veil we all become like mirrors who brightly reflect the glory of the Lord Jesus. We are being transfigured into His very image as we move from one brighter level of glory to another…” 2 Corinthians 3:18 (TPT)

God is doing something new in our culture, not just in the Church. He is in the business of reclaiming it ALL for His glory! This is just one, small way He is going to invade our culture. We are to be the hands and feet of Jesus, and He is going to use those who are yielded and postured for something greater than themselves! Are you willing to join Him in this invasion? Get ready! 

More about Candice: Candice Coffey is a wife, mother, and entrepreneur. She is currently passionate about growing her business and ministry. Her favorite things are eating good food and talking about Jesus with her favorite people.

@everbeofficial for social handles for questions

This article appears in the Purpose & Power 2023 issue of TODAYSPURPOSEWOMAN.

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