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2024 Woman to Watch: Shenise Truesdell- The Etiquette Expert Empowering Youth for a Better Tomorrow

2024 Woman to Watch: Shenise Truesdell- The Etiquette Expert Empowering Youth for a Better Tomorrow

Miami native Shenise Truesdell is a force to be reckoned with. With nearly 20 years of experience as a civil servant and a background in government consulting as a procurement professional, she brings a unique perspective to her work, combining her passion for teaching civility, decorum, diplomacy, and soft skills with her expertise in cognitive behavior therapy, customer service, and life coaching.

As the CEO and founder of Behavior Etiquette Institute, Shenise is on a mission to empower young people with the skills necessary to thrive in a rapidly changing world. Her upbringing instilled in her a deep understanding of the importance of compassion, kindness, and navigating various social environments gracefully and poised. Equipped with these essential skills, she thrived and succeeded as a youth, setting the foundation for the remarkable success she enjoys today.

Shenise is renowned as “The Teenage Whisperer,” providing coaching to help young adults grow in confidence while mastering social interactions. Inspired by her mother’s experience and lessons, she stresses the importance of what she considers Etiquette 101: Be kind to yourself, first! She understands that in a world where self-care is often overlooked, being kind to oneself by making tough but healthy decisions, especially in romantic connections, is essential.

As a former participant of President Obama’s Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) program, Shenise engaged with professionals from diverse backgrounds, fostering her passion for culture, diversity, and promoting social inclusion. She has also contributed to community engagement and youth initiatives as a former board member of United Way, exemplifying her commitment to supporting young people.

Shenise holds a master’s degree in public administration and a bachelor’s degree in legal studies. She is a mental and behavioral health advocate pursuing a Ph.D. in Psychology with a specialization in social psychology. She firmly believes that improving consciousness, employability skills, mindfulness, and social skills can empower individuals to lead happier & healthier lives, form healthy relationships, and positively contribute to society.

When asked about the values and principles that guide her decision-making and actions in both her personal and professional life, Shenise is quick to respond: “Always try to be considerate, courteous, gracious, and kind to others. This will not only open doors of opportunities for us, but also keep us in those doors! More importantly, these are the very basics of being a decent human being.”

As a Christian woman, Shenise incorporates her faith into her work and advocacy efforts, believing that kindness is a universal language that can bring about positive change in the world. “Every prophecy spoken over my life by different people from all walks of life always aligned – I believed God!” she says. “So, I formed my business of teaching etiquette, but with more of an emphasis on social behavior. This will help people be kind to one another and also allow for healthier decision-making (especially during times of conflict) and an overall healthier life.”

Looking ahead to 2024, Shenise has big plans. She is committed to continuing to empower youth by equipping them with a skillset that is vital for them to become their best selves but is often overlooked. Through her non-profit, she will work with underprivileged communities doing the same as mentioned above. Her books will continue to enlighten women and guide them into having a better relationship with themselves and making healthier decisions.

But perhaps most importantly, Shenise plans to exalt God’s name through telling her story. “God has been more than good to me,” she says. “I will continue to use my platform to inspire and empower others, all while giving thanks to Him.”

To learn more about Shenise Truesdell and her work, visit her website and follow her on Instagram @girl.let.go. As she continues to make a positive impact on the world, she is undoubtedly a woman to watch in 2024.

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