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2024 Woman to Watch: Kimberly Robinson Green

2024 Woman to Watch: Kimberly Robinson Green

In the bustling world of entrepreneurship and ministry, a figure of inspiration and empowerment emerges, Kimberly Robinson Green. As a multifaceted woman of faith, Kimberly’s roles as a wife, mother, businesswoman, author, and speaker have become integral to her identity. She is not just a woman to watch but a woman to emulate, a beacon of strength in a world that often challenges the spirit.

Kimberly’s journey is a testament to the power of purpose. She is a woman whose life mission is to inspire women, girls, and children worldwide to delve deeper into their potential. “The thing that inspired me to pursue my current career is simply my love for people,” Kimberly confides. “My mother taught me to always be a servant to others, and I strive daily to make a difference in others’ lives.”

Her roles as an early childhood educator and businesswoman allow her to breathe life into the young minds she interacts with daily. She uses her position to remind women of their divine origins and the dreams instilled within them. “As an educator, I work with children and families. I pray daily that my mannerisms are Christ-like and that my efforts will give them a smile for the day,” she shares.

Kimberly’s philosophy of servant leadership permeates every facet of her life, from her work to her family. She embodies her belief that we exist not for ourselves but to serve and uplift others. As the driving force behind Christina’s Preschool Academy, WWAV, Kimberly’s Nursery of Blessing, and Sparkle Bouquets by Kimberly, her mission to serve is unmistakable.

Her newest venture, Open Heart Ministry, aims to mentor young girls in the city. “Our society has led young girls to believe they have to be like others, but God has so much more for them. Through this ministry, our team will encourage them to love themselves, understand God’s purpose for their lives, and embrace it fully,” she explains.

She values integrity in all her decisions and interactions. “In everything, my goal is to respect people no matter what decision I’m making. Making sure that my integrity is represented in all I do,” she asserts.

Looking to the future, Kimberly has her sights set on 2024 with an air of anticipation and excitement. “I am truly looking forward to what God has for me in 2024. I plan to move forward with my Open-Heart Ministries, through which I will have conferences, resources, and more for young girls ages 9 to 18,” she divulges a sparkle of determination in her eyes.

Kimberly Robinson Green is not just a woman to watch but a woman to learn from and admire, whose impact will echo through the years. Connect with Kimberly on her website .

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