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2024 Woman to Watch: Dr. Joy Green

2024 Woman to Watch: Dr. Joy Green

In the bustling city of Washington, D.C., a woman of passion and purpose is making waves in leadership and empowerment. Dr. Joy Green, an SHRM-certified professional and holder of a doctorate in strategic leadership from Liberty University, embodies resilience and self-belief. With her groundbreaking research project titled “The Impact on Hospitality Industries Organization Performance From The Lack Of African American Women in Executive,” Dr. Green uncovered a revelation that would shape her career and inspire countless women.

Through her research, Dr. Green discovered that unshakeable self-confidence is the key to resilience. When one is confident in their identity, external opinions and behaviors lose their power to affect personal worth. This insight sparked a fire within Dr. Green, propelling her to create “Goal Get’em Girls!” – a movement designed to empower women to chase their goals fearlessly and overcome any obstacles. 

Dr. Green explains, “I want women to know that they have the power within them to achieve greatness. Confidence is the fuel that propels us forward and helps us overcome any challenges that come our way.” Her mission is to sprinkle wisdom and be the wind beneath women’s wings, igniting a fire within them to own their confidence, trust their abilities, and conquer personal and professional success.

But Dr. Green’s impact doesn’t stop at the individual level. She envisions a future where her work ripples into communities and professions, ultimately contributing to broader societal shifts. Dr. Green emphasizes, “When women are empowered and succeed, it creates a ripple effect in society. It opens doors for future generations and creates a more inclusive and equal world.”

Through various channels such as speaking engagements, social media, journals, workshops, and events, Dr. Green strives to convey the message that anything is possible for women, regardless of the challenges they may face. Her business, Goal Get’em Girls!, acts as a conduit for this message, reminding women everywhere that they possess the inner power to turn dreams into reality. 

Dr. Green passionately states, “I believe that every woman has the potential to achieve her goals and make a difference in the world. With the right mindset, support, and a solid plan, there’s no limit to what we can accomplish. It’s time for women to say ‘Goal Get’em Girls!’ and go after their dreams with unwavering determination.”

As a Christian woman, Dr. Green’s values and principles guide her decision-making and actions both personally and professionally. She embraces a Servant Leadership mindset, understanding that leadership is a call to serve and empower others. Dr. Green affirms, “True leadership is about lifting others and helping them reach their full potential. I strive to be a servant leader in all aspects of my life, supporting and empowering those around me.”

With her faith as her foundation, Dr. Green incorporates her Christian values into her work as an Accountability Goal Achievement Coach and Speaker. She approaches coaching sessions with a Servant Leadership mindset, where the needs and goals of her clients take center stage. Dr. Green states, “I am dedicated to helping women achieve their goals and hold themselves accountable. It’s about creating a safe space where they can explore their aspirations, overcome challenges, and ultimately thrive.”

Looking ahead to 2024, Dr. Green envisions a future where she continues to be a guiding light for women navigating the twists and turns of goal attainment. She plans to introduce two coaching packages: “Your SMART Goal Makeover” and ” The Goal Pursuit Playbook.” These packages aim to unlock the full potential of women’s aspirations, fine-tuning their goals into actionable and achievable ones. 

Dr. Green shares her vision, stating, “I want to help women not only achieve their external objectives but also cultivate a mindset of resilience, grace, and unwavering faith in their unique abilities. By breaking down big dreams into smaller, more achievable checkpoints, I will show women that they can accomplish anything once they understand the roadmap and the crucial checkpoints along the way.”

Readers inspired by Dr. Joy Green’s story and want to connect with her can find her on various social media channels and her website. Through these platforms, they can stay updated, engage with her upcoming coaching services, access resources, and gain insights into her empowering journey. Dr. Green’s mission is to empower women to transform their dreams into reality, and she invites readers to join her in making 2024 the year of personal and professional success.

Dr. Joy Green, a woman to watch in 2024, is igniting a movement of empowered women, breaking through barriers and achieving their highest potential. With her unshakable confidence, unwavering faith, and relentless determination, Dr. Joy Green is a force to be reckoned with in leadership and empowerment. She inspires women everywhere to embrace their inner power, overcome challenges, and chase their dreams fearlessly.

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