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12 Things That Can Hinder Your Discernment And How to Overcome Them

12 Things That Can Hinder Your Discernment And How to Overcome Them

Hey Purpose Friend, let’s dive into a topic near and dear to our hearts -discernment. As Christian women, we strive to make wise decisions and navigate life with God’s guidance. Discernment acts as a flashlight, illuminating the unseen. It plays a vital role in every Christian woman’s life. It involves seeking God’s guidance to make wise decisions, avoid pitfalls, and align our lives with His purpose. However, like anyone else, we can sometimes fall into common mistakes that hinder our discernment journey. Let’s explore these twelve pitfalls and discover how to overcome them.

Neglecting Personal Relationship with God

One significant mistake Christian women make is relying solely on others for spiritual guidance and neglecting their personal relationship with God. To discern effectively, we must cultivate a strong bond with our Creator through prayer, studying His Word, and spending time in His presence.

Prioritizing Worldly Opinions

Seeking validation from the world rather than seeking God’s opinion can lead to confusion. Remember, the world’s values and God’s values may not always align. Instead, focus on understanding and following biblical principles.

Ignoring Red Flags

Often, Christian women ignore red flags in relationships, friendships, or career opportunities. Discernment requires listening to your intuition and being attentive to warning signs. Seeking wise counsel from trusted mentors can also help in recognizing these red flags.

Rushing the Discernment Process

Impatience can cloud our discernment process. We may feel the need to make decisions hastily, but it’s important to patiently seek God’s guidance and wait for His timing. Trust that He will reveal His plan to you in due course.

Lack of Submission to God’s Will

Submission is key to discernment. Sometimes, we may resist God’s leading due to fear or personal desires. Surrendering our will to God’s plan allows us to experience His perfect discernment and protection.

Relying Solely on Emotions

While emotions are a part of our human experience, they shouldn’t be the sole basis for decision-making. Emotions can be deceptive, and discernment requires aligning them with God’s Word and seeking His guidance.

Neglecting the Power of Community

Christian women often isolate themselves when facing important decisions. However, God has blessed us with a supportive community that can provide wisdom, insight, and accountability. Engaging with fellow believers can enhance our discernment journey.

Overlooking Biblical Principles

The Bible is a treasure trove of divine wisdom, and yet, we often overlook its guidance when making decisions. Christian women must immerse themselves in Scripture to gain a solid foundation for discernment and apply biblical principles to their lives.

Failing to Learn from Past Mistakes

Discernment is an ongoing process that involves learning from our past mistakes. Instead of dwelling on failures, we should embrace them as opportunities for growth and wisdom. By reflecting on past experiences, we become better equipped to discern God’s will in the future.

Fear of Making Mistakes

Fear can paralyze our discernment journey. However, making mistakes is a natural part of life, and God can use even our missteps for His purpose. Trusting in His grace and embracing the possibility of mistakes can open doors to deeper discernment.

Neglecting the Power of Silence and Stillness

In our fast-paced world, we may overlook the importance of silence and stillness in discernment. Taking time to be still before God, listening to His voice, and allowing Him to speak to our hearts is essential in the discernment process. Creating space for silence and solitude allows us to hear God’s gentle whispers and receive His guidance.

Forgetting the Importance of Faith

Lastly, we may forget that discernment requires an element of faith. Trusting in God’s goodness, sovereignty, and faithfulness is essential when we face uncertainty in our discernment journey. Faith allows us to step into obedience even when the path ahead seems unclear, knowing that God will guide and provide for us.

Purpose Friend, discernment is an essential aspect of a Christian woman’s life. Avoiding common mistakes in the discernment process requires commitment to prayer, seeking wise counsel, managing emotions, being patient, nurturing and a personal relationship with God. Remember, discernment is a journey of growth and learning, so trust in God’s faithfulness and embrace His leading every step of the way.


Heavenly Father,

I come before You humbly, seeking Your divine wisdom and discernment. I acknowledge that I cannot rely solely on my own understanding, but I need Your guidance in every decision I make.

Lord, I invite Your Holy Spirit to fill me with clarity and understanding. Grant me the ability to discern between right and wrong, truth and deception, and good and evil. Help me to see beyond the surface, to understand the deeper meanings and intentions behind people’s words and actions.

Father, I ask for discernment in my relationships. Guide me in choosing the right companions and friends who will uplift me, encourage me, and challenge me to grow closer to You. Help me to recognize those who may have ulterior motives or who may lead me astray from Your path.

Lord, I seek Your discernment in my career and life choices. Open my eyes to opportunities that align with Your will and purpose for my life. Give me the discernment to recognize when to step forward and when to wait patiently for Your timing. Help me to make decisions that honor You and bring glory to Your name.

Father, I pray for discernment in my thoughts and emotions. Guard my heart and mind from negative influences and toxic beliefs that lead me away from Your truth. Help me to recognize the lies of the enemy and replace them with Your promises and the truth found in Your Word.

Lord, I surrender my desires, plans, and ambitions to You. Grant me the discernment to distinguish between my own will and Your perfect will for my life. Give me the courage to let go of my own agenda and to trust in Your divine plan, even when it may be different from what I expect.

Father, I ask for discernment in understanding Your voice and guidance. Teach me to listen attentively to Your still, small voice, speaking to me through Your Word, prayer, and the counsel of others. Help me to discern Your promptings and to follow them with obedience and faith.

Lord, I am grateful for Your promise in James 1:5 that if any of us lacks wisdom, we can ask You, and You will generously give it to us. I trust in Your faithfulness and Your desire to lead me in all things. Thank You for Your love and grace.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

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